Munching Madness

final Visual Scripting Project - a silly little desktop game

You are a very hungry caterpillar!

You can eat everything smaller than you. The more you eat, the bigger you get

I wanted to focus on scripting again but because I choose to do a solo project I found myself spending a lot of time doing 3d modells, rigging and animating.
But I found the time to have a first look into Unitys Shader Graph System and build a Toonshader and and Outline


  • you can eat everything that is smaller than you

  • eating makes you grow

  • the bigger the item you eat was the more you grow

  • eating an item plays a random sound (i found out what lists were), the kind of sound depends on what you have eaten - leaves, rocks or something alive

  • eating something alive triggers Bloodlust Mode: the music gets distorted, the screen gets a red tint and you grow twice as fast

  • the mother goes in circles in the background. When coming closer she runs away screaming. Eating her triggers the illustration scene and is the final of the game


3D models