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2nd slightly bigger C# project - educational game Jam

Hate speech is more than slurs. Our group wanted to bring awareness to more subtle but also harmful phrases

The Game Jam by the Bundeszentrale für politsche Bildung was an amazing opportunity to really start getting into game scripting with C#.

positioning & shooting

Hashtags & Comments

  • a & d to move & rotate

  • space to lock in and switch positioning states, reset when missed and turn off comment when hit

  • can’t move before chosen

  • triangale only visible when positioning to visualise direction

  • colour change to visualise what hashtag was clicked

  • ball must be the same colour as bubble to hit

  • hashtags are randomly generated form a list

  • comment will always fit to the choosen hashtag, no matter what bubble was hit

  • missing a colour 3 times in row makes it unchoosable. the remaining bubbles of that colour can no longer be hit